Peripheral Services and Approved Tariffs
Pilot Autoclave 150l 10 bars
- Description: Reactor for thermochemical treatment of self-supporting waste on a pilot scale of 150 l.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle.
- Location: Calle de servicio edificio IVAGRO.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Thermochemical treatment of waste
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 100 € / session 125 € / session 200 € / session - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Autoclave Selecta Autester St Dry Pv III
- Description: Sample sterilizer.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle.
- Location: Planta Piloto.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Sterilize samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 5 € / day 6.25 € / day 7 € / day - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Autoclave Steris Amsco Century 110
- Description: Vapor sterilizer 3 cycles. Gravity, pre-vacuum and liquids.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Sterilize containers of any type. 130L.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 40 € / session 50 € / session 80 € / session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Acetification Plant.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Acetator Frings N1182 8L
- Description: Automated acetic acid fermenter in submerged culture at pilot scale.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 13.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Acetification of alcoholic matrices.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 30 € / day 37.5 € / day 60 € / day - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Acetification Plant.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Analytikjena Contraa300
- Description: Determination of metals by AAS with wide spectrum lamp.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: 1st floor lab 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Analyze metals.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6 € sample (elements) 7.5 € sample (elements) 12 € sample (elements) - Observations:
Trace metal control service.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Anton Para DMA 4500M densimeter
- Description: Determination of density fermentation control.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Global parameters.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 0.5 € / sample 0.65 € / sample 1 € / sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Control laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Automated Isoperibolic Calorimeter Parr 6400
- Description: Automatic calorimeter, with halogen-resistant calorimetric pump, with system
integrated closed-cycle water cooling and device for water inlet washing, as well as
an external device for collecting washing water. - Responsible: Juan Ramón Portela Miguélez
- Location: Laboratory IQ1 (Dept. Chemical Engineering and Food Tech. Faculty of Sciences)
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Analysis of liquid or solid samples
(fuels, biofuels, biomass, etc) for the determination of calorific power or combustion heat
corresponding to each material. Determination of the calorific power of solids and liquids in accordance with the
most important international standards (ASTM D 240, ASTM D 1989. ASTM D 3286, ASTM D 4809, ASTM
D 5468, ASTM D 5865, ASTM E 711, ISO 1928, B S 1016, DIN 51900) - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 20 € / sample 25 € / sample 40 € / sample - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSES PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.The rates indicated are for the case of a number of determinations less than 10. The analytical determinations
will be billed at lower prices depending on the type and number of analyzes necessary to characterize
the samples.
Flow Cytometer
- Description: Performance of Flow Cytometry tests of 3 fluorescence channels, with acoustic adjustment.
- Responsible: Francisco Javier Fernández Acero.
- Location: Laboratory 5.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Optimization and development for the growth of microbial cultures. Service of parameter or cellular activities and incidence of agents on the culture.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € / sample (evaluation depending on the case)
12.5 € / sample (evaluation depending on the case)
20 € / sample (evaluation depending on the case)
- Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Countercurrent Column Series 11258-3 Thar Technologies
- Description: Extraction of natural compounds with compressed and/or supercritical fluids.
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 3.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Extraction of liquid samples
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 105 € / sample 131 € / sample 210 € / sample - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSES PLANT.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Ion Chromatograph Metrohm 930 Compact IC Flex. (Sugars)
- Description: Equipped with amperometric detection and Metrosep Carb 2 150/4.0 column.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 14.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of nutritional sugars in solution (Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose and Maltose).
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € / sample 15 € / sample or analysis 20 € / sample or analysis - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Ion Chromatograph Metrohm 930 Compact IC Flex. (Ions)
- Description: Equipped with chemical suppression, conductimetric detection and columns Metrosep C-6 250/4.0 and Metrosep A Supp 5 150/4.0.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 14.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of anions in solution (F-, Cl-, NO2-, Br-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-) and cations in solution (Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+.)
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € / sample 15 € / sample or analysis 20 € / sample or analysis - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
- Description: Gas Chromatograph with MS detection with double injection system: liquid injection and thermal desorption of solids.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Analysis of volatile components in liquid and solid samples
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 25 € / sample 37,5 € / sample 50 € / sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.
The cost for IVAGRO member users will be reduced by 25%.
Despalilladora Enotalia
- Description: Despalilladora a motor equipada con una tolva de recepción.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Planta piloto.
- Servicios que se ofertan actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Separación de raspón y estrujado de todo tipo de uvas 1500-2000kgs/ hora.
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 20 € / hora 100€ / día
25 € / hora 125€ / día
40 € / hora 200€ / día
- Observaciones:
Este equipo se encuentra integrado en la Planta de Vinificación.El coste para usuarios miembros del IVAGRO tendrá una reducción del 25%.
- Description: Dosificador de oxígeno con control de flujo.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Planta Piloto.
- Servicios que se ofertan actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Microoxigenación de mostos y vinos. Eliminación de polifenóles. Hiperoxidación de mostos.
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 2 € por tratamiento hasta 2 horas y 150 litros 3 € por tratamiento hasta 2 horas y 150 litros 4 € por tratamiento hasta 2 horas y 150 litros - Observaciones:
Este equipo se encuentra integrado en la Planta de Microoxigenación.El coste para usuarios miembros del IVAGRO tendrá una reducción del 25%.
Semi-automatic equipment for determining fat content ST 255, with a system for prior hydrolysis of the sample Soxcap SC247, by Foss
- Description: Quick extraction unit with solvents for the determination of soluble substances. Programmable control unit.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Total fat content.Extraction with organic solvents using the soxhlet method constitutes the preliminary stage for the determination of numerous organic compounds of interest in food, such as fat-soluble vitamins, carotenoid pigments, tocopherols, etc.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € per session 12.5 € per session 20 € per session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Food Analyzers Unit.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Total Station LEICA
- Description: Total Station LEICA TS06 Plus- Robotic Total Station Sokkia IX-1005. GPS Stonex (Base and Rover). Versatile GPS equipment for georeferencing and topographic survey of elements of the Historical-Archaeological heritage.
- Responsible: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Location: IVAGRO. Institutes Building of the Jerez Campus. 2nd Floor. IVAGRO History Laboratory.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Carrying out georeferencing work of historical and archaeological remains. Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage; topographic surveys.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 35 € / hour 43.75 € / hour 70 € / hour - Observations:
The rate is applied per hours of work calculated according to order, counting field work, necessary post-processes and the generation of deliverable products.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Fishbam Autoclave 30L
- Description: Pasteurizer Sterilizer 30 liters.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Pasteurize and sterilize canned food.
Glass containers, metal, aluminum bag. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 40 € / session 50 € / session 80 € / session - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Flavourtech SCC1000
- Description: Distillation by rotary cones that allows the fractionation of beverages.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Distillation by rotary cones that allows the fractionation of beverages (wines, juices, etc.) into volatile fraction (aromas), alcoholic fraction (if any) and aqueous remainder without aromas and without alcohol.Capacity 2,000L/day.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 500 € / day 625 € / day 1000 € / day - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the De-alcoholizing Plant and Aroma Obtaining.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Foss Rapid Content XDS
- Description: NIR equipment for the determination of parameters of interest in liquid, solid or semi-solid samples.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Mezzanine Laboratory.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of parameters of interest in solid, liquid or semi-solid samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 3 € / sample 4.5 € / sample 6 € / sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Control laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Free K
- Description: Allows cation exchange in resin with continuous flow of 1,000L/hour.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Cationic exchange to be applied on wines.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 50 € / day 65 € / day 100 € / day - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
GC-MS-O Agilent 7890B
- Description: Gas chromatograph coupled to mass detection with olfactometric detection port.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 13.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Olfactometric analysis of food samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 60 € / sample 75 € / sample or analysis 120 € / sample or analysis - Observations:
For the analysis of the samples, a previous extraction stage not included is necessary.This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Multi-frequency 3D RADAR Georadar
- Description: Multi-frequency georadar with 2 meters of sweep.
- Responsible: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Location: IVAGRO. Institutes Building of the Jerez Campus. Basement. IVAGRO History Laboratory.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Geophysical exploration on large surfaces. Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage; forensic criminology; detection of general infrastructure systems.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 35 € / hour 43.75 € / hour 70 € / hour - Observations:
The rate is applied per hours of work calculated according to order, counting field work, necessary post-processes and the generation of deliverable products.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
IDS Hi-Mode
- Description: Portable georadar.
- Responsible: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Location: IVAGRO. Jerez Headquarters. Institute of Research in Social Sciences
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Exploration in small surfaces and closed spaces; archaeological detection works, forensic and criminological studies, technical studies of detection of constructive structures (conduits, wiring, foundations etc.). The service includes transport, exploration, post-processing of data and report.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 35 € / hour 43.75 € / hour 70 € / hour - Observations:
Unit of geodetection, analysis and georeferencing of historical heritage.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
IDS Stream
- Description: Field georadar.
- Responsible: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Location: IVAGRO-Jerez. Jerez Headquarters. Institute of Research in Social Sciences. 2nd floor.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Exploration on large open surfaces; archaeological detection works, surface geology studies, forensic and criminological studies, technical studies of detection of constructive structures (conduits, wiring, foundations etc.). The service includes transport, exploration, post-processing of data and report.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 35€ / hour 43,75€ / hour 70€ / hour - Observations:
Unit of geodetection, analysis and georeferencing of historical heritage.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Ibercex Eroelectronic
- Description: Growth chamber with photoperiod. Capacity 400 L.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle Jiménez.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Germination and/or growth of plants.Drying of grapes, fruits and by-products of wine and food.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € / day 12.5 € / day 20 € / day - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Climate Chambers Service.The cost for IVAGRO members will be reduced by 25%.
Ibercex Vision 120
- Description: Walk-in growth chamber with controlled environment (30 m2).
- Responsible: Blas del Valle Jiménez.
- Location: Pilot plant (1st floor).
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Germination and/or growth of plants.Drying of grapes, fruits and wine and food by-products.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 4 € / shelf and day 40 € / full chamber shelf and day
5 € / shelf and day 50 € / full chamber shelf and day
8 € / shelf and day 80 € / full chamber shelf and day
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Climate Chambers Service.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Ilpra Basic VG
- Description: Heat sealer.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: 1st floor lab 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Vacuum packaging.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 2 € / sample 2.5 € / sample 4 € / sample - Observations:
Heat sealer service.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
IVAGRO Proteomics Laboratory: Microorganism Identification using MALDI TOF
- Description: Performing microbial identifications using MALDI TOF using VITEK MS (Biomerieux)
- Responsible: Francisco Javier Fernández Acero.
- Location: IVAGRO (Proteomics laboratory)
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Optimization and development for the growth of microbial cultures. Isolation of colonies, experimental design.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € /sample
(evaluation according to the case)15 € /sample
(evaluation according to the case)25 € /sample
(evaluation according to the case) - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Laboratorio Proteómica IVAGRO: Análisis e identificación de proteínas mediante LC-MS (Exploris 240)
- Descripción: Uso del sistema de espectrometría de masas diseñado para el análisis e identificación de proteínas.
- Responsable: Francisco Javier Fernández Acero.
- Ubicación: Laboratorio Proteómica.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Identificación de los componentes individuales de mezclas complejas de proteínas. Estudios de expresión. Análisis de las modificaciones postraduccionales. Proteómica cuantitativa. Detección y búsqueda de marcadores de calidad alimentaria / contaminación microbiológica
- Tarifas (se indica precio por muestra):
UNIDAD DE PROTEÓMICA Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C PREPARACIÓN DE MUESTRAS DE PROTEÓMICA Precipitación muestra 3,50 € 16 € 21€ Desalting y concentración de ultrafiltración. 5 € 26 € 31 € Cuantificación proteína. 2 € 10 € 17 € Digestión. 25 € 57 € 64 € Digestión estándar en disolución – Preparación de muestra (PRT) 20 € 38 € 51 € IDENTIFICACIÓN DE PROTEÍNAS – LC MS-MS Preparación de muestra para LC-MSMS – Identificación de proteínas – LC MSMS. 20€ 51€ 82 € LC 1D-MSMS (<60 minutos) – Identificación de proteínas – LC MS-MS 80 € 120 € 240 € LC 1D-MSMS (<120 minutos) – Identificación de proteínas – LC MS-MS 160 € 240 € 480 € LC 1D-MSMS (>120 minutos) – Identificación de proteínas – LC MS-MS 350 € 525 € 1050 € IDENTIFICACIÓN DE PROTEÍNAS – LC MS-MS iTRAQ/TMT – Análisis de Cuantificación Relativa de Expresión. Bajo presupuesto. Bajo presupuesto. Bajo presupuesto. LABEL FREE (Carrera) – Análisis de Cuantificación Relativa de Expresión 25€ 57€ 64 €
Laboratorio Proteómica IVAGRO: Equipos cromatográficos de separación proteica y metabolómica.
- Descripción: Uso de los sistemas cromatográficos para
a) separación de proteínas en baja presión (AKTA, Cytiva).
b) Equipo HPLC Vanquish (thermo) para caracterización metabolómica con recolector de fracciones. - Responsable: Francisco Javier Fernández Acero.
- Ubicación: Laboratorio Proteómica.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Separación de proteínas y metabolitos mediante equipos cromatográficos de alta y baja presión.
- Tarifas (se indica precio por muestra):
UNIDAD DE PROTEÓMICA Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C PREPARACIÓN DE MUESTRAS DE PROTEÓMICA Separación de proteínas (baja presión AKTA). 160 € 240 € 480 € HPLC Vanquish 160 € 240 € 480 €
Laser Beckman Coulter
- Descripción: Sistema de caracterización de partículas por difracción láser
- Responsable: Clara María Pereyra López.
- Ubicación: Laboratorio Procesos con Fluidos Supercríticos, Facultad de Ciencias.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Medida de Distribución de Tamaño de Partículas tanto en Líquidos como en Polvo.
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 25 € / día 31,25 € / día 60 € / día - Observaciones:
Servicio: PLANTA DE PROCESOS DE ALTA PRESIÓN B.El coste para usuarios miembros del IVAGRO tendrá una reducción del 25%.
Laser Scanner Leica P50
- Descripción: Lidar que permite escaneo y fotogrametría terrestre de largo alcance (hasta 1.000 metros a la redonda).
- Responsable: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Ubicación: IVAGRO. Edificio de Institutos del Campus de Jerez. 2 Planta. Laboratorio de Historia de IVAGRO.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Realización de escaneos de territorios y edificios de grandes dimensiones. Aplicaciones principales: patrimonio histórico-arqueológico; modelización del territorio y el paisaje para fines diversos; fotogrametría terrestre.
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 35 € / hora 43,75 € / hora) 70 € / hora - Observaciones:
La tarifa se aplica por horas de trabajo calculadas según pedido, contabilizando el trabajo de campo, los post-procesos necesarios y la generación de productos entregables.
Laser Scanner Leica BLK360
- Descripción: Escáner que permite escaneo y fotogrametría terrestre de corto alcance (hasta 60 metros a la redonda).
- Responsable: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Ubicación: IVAGRO. Edificio de Institutos del Campus de Jerez. 2 Planta. Laboratorio de Historia de Ivagro.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Realización de escaneos de espacios y edificios de reducidas dimensiones. Aplicaciones principales: patrimonio histórico-arqueológico; fotogrametría terrestre; trabajos de restauración y arquitectura.
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 35 € / día 43,75 € / día 70 € / día - Observaciones:
La tarifa se aplica por horas de trabajo calculadas según pedido, contabilizando el trabajo de campo, los post-procesos necesarios y la generación de productos entregables.El coste para usuarios miembros del IVAGRO tendrá una reducción del 25%.
Liofilizador Virtis Bechtop K
- Descripción: Liofilizar muestras.
- Responsable: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Ubicación: Planta Piloto IVAGRO.
- Servicios que se ofrecen actualmente y posibles aplicaciones en otros campos: Liofilización de muestras hasta un volumen de 8 x 1 L
- Propuestas de tarifas de uso según reglamento (en euros):
Tarifa A Tarifa B Tarifa C 0,5€ / muestra 10 € / día
0,75 € / muestra 15€ / día
10 € /muestra 20€ / día
- Observaciones:
Se procederá a facturar por día completo en el caso de que el número de muestras sea inferior a 10.
El coste para usuarios miembros del IVAGRO tendrá una reducción del 25%.
Water Activity Meter S4 TEV, from AquaLab
- Description: Dew point sensor technology. Internal temperature control (Peltier). Measurement range 0.030 – 1.000. Additional capacitive type sensor, special for formulations that include volatile products such as propylene glycol and ethanol. Infrared sensor for average surface temperature of the sample.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
aw in raw materials and processed foods.The water activity in a food is a variable that directly affects its shelf life, so it could be applied, along with other parameters, in studies to determine expiration dates or preferred consumption of foods.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € / session 12.5 € / session 20 € / session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Food Analyzers Unit.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Semiautomated total protein meter, from Foss
- Description: Consisting of Digestor mod. Auto Rack 2508 with integrated time/temperature program control with TA-450 º C temperature range, with smoke neutralization/purification system mod. SR210, and automatic steam distillation unit mod. Kjeltec 8200 Automatic Titrator Schott (SY Analytics) mod. TL5000.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 6 and 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Determination of total protein (N protein method).Determinations in which distillation is a basic operation (alcoholic degree, volatile acidity, etc.).
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 20 € / session 25 € / session 40 € / session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Food Analyzers Unit.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Multichannel Magnetometer Sensys
- Description: Modulable magnetometer-gradometer of up to 16 channels.
- Responsible: Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios.
- Location: IVAGRO. Institutes Building of the Jerez Campus. Basement. History Laboratory of Ivagro.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Geophysical exploration over large surfaces.
Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 35 € / hour 43,75 € / hour 70 € / hour - Observations:
The rate is applied for hours of work calculated according to order, counting field work, necessary post-processes and the generation of deliverable products.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Mars One Touch 6

- Description: 1800 Watts microwave.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 6
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:Waste treatment by microwaves.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 4 € / hour 5 € / hour 8 € / hour - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Mars One Touch 6

- Description: 1800 Watts microwave.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 6
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:Waste treatment by microwaves.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 4 € / hour 5 € / hour 8 € / hour - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Retsch GM200 Mill
- Description: Batch blade mill.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Self-supporting 2. Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Crushing and homogenization of dry, wet samples with aqueous or oily content of AGROFOOD products.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6€ per sample 12€ / hour
9 € per sample 18€ / hour
12 € per sample 24€ / hour
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Retsch PM100 Mill
- Description: Planetary ball mill.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Self-supporting 2. Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Fine grinding. Soil and inorganic products. Solid matter.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6€ per sample 12€ / hour
9€ per sample 18€ / hour
12€ per sample 24€ / hour
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Retsch RM200 Mill
- Description: Automatic mortar.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Self-supporting 2. Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Grinding of vegetables (with nitrogen) (amino acids, DNA, etc…) and inorganic solids up to 100 microns.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6 € / sample 12€ / hour
9 € / sample 18€ / hour
12 € / sample 24€ / hour
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Retsch ZM200 Mill
- Description: Ultra centrifugal mill with toothed rotor and sieve.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Self-supporting 2. Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Fine grinding of AGROFOOD products material. (Grains) and Polymers (with nitrogen).
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6 € per sample 12€ / hour
9 € per sample 18€ / hour
12 € per sample 24€ / hour
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SF100 Plant Thar Technologies
- Description: Extraction of natural compounds with compressed and/or supercritical fluids. ESC plant of 100 mL .
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 15.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Extraction of natural compounds.
Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSES PLANT A.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Planta SF500 Thar Technologies
- Description: Extraction of natural compounds with compressed and/or supercritical fluids. ESC Plant of 500 mL .
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 3.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Extraction of natural compounds.
Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT A.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Planta SF1000 Thar Technologies
- Description: Extraction of natural compounds with compressed and/or supercritical fluids. ESC Plant of 1 L .
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 3.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Extraction of natural compounds.
Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT A.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Pilot Plant SF5000 Thar Technologies
- Description: Extraction of natural compounds with compressed and/or supercritical fluids. ESC Plant of 5 L .
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 15.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Extraction of natural compounds.
Main applications: historical-archaeological heritage. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 105 € / day 131 € / day 210 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT A.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Ozone Pilot Plant
- Description: It consists of an ozone generating system that allows working at various scales. The installation has a bench for small scale laboratory tests with small contactors, in the form of bubbling columns, or other types of gas phase or gas-liquid contact devices. And an area for pilot scale tests with other forms of ozone incorporation (venturi, pressurized venturi or contact by generating nanobubbles). Ozone production is carried out by means of an ozone generator GZ07. PROY 136 with ozone productions above 7 gO3/h. The plant is versatile and would allow batch and semi-continuous work.
- Responsible: José Luis García Morales.
- Location: Self-supporting exterior shed. Service street. IVAGRO Building.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Studies of industrial wastewater treatment through advanced oxidation processes based on ozone.
Studies of process water and consumption treatment through advanced oxidation processes based on ozone (waters for the food industry and others).
Tests to evaluate the behavior of materials against ozone (gas phase and dissolved ozone). - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 30 € /hour of work + cost per sample or analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment (the cost will depend on the type of parameter requested by the user) + cost of possible pretreatments and preliminary studies 40 € /hour of work + cost per sample or analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment (the cost will depend on the type of parameter requested by the user) + cost of possible pretreatments and preliminary studies 160 € /hour of work + cost per sample or analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment (the cost will depend on the type of parameter requested by the user) + cost of possible pretreatments and preliminary studies. - Observations:
Given the complexity of the possible scenarios of use of the plant, the possible final quantification of the costs must be previously defined by the user and the Responsible of the service in order to establish a final budget. For each situation there is an initial period of preliminary tests (test volume, gas flows to apply, initial ozone dose, planning of experiments, etc.) or evaluation of possible pretreatment needs (removal of solids or other compounds, modification of initial pH, need for addition of antifoams, etc.), a definition of control parameters of the effectiveness of the treatment (reduction of COD, BOD, Turbidity, Dissolved Organic Carbon, color, elimination of some specific compound) that may involve the use of other peripheral services or be carried out in external laboratories, and a final phase of development of the experiences that make necessary a detailed study of the associated costs difficult to establish beforehand.
Also, due to the complexity of the installation and the characteristics of ozone, due to its strongly oxidizing character and the possible occupational risks associated, for the handling of the installation the presence of specialized technical personnel is necessary to supervise all the operation carried out in the plant and therefore it is essential for its use a Support Technical Personnel.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Waters R100W Plant
- Description: Plant for impregnation of solid matrices with extracts obtained at high pressure, with compressed or supercritical fluids.
- Responsible: Lourdes Casas Cardoso.
- Location: Laboratory 3.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Impregnation of solid matrices with extracts.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 80 € / day 100 € / day 160 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT A.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Electric Press Zambelli
- Description: Press for microvinifications.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Pressing of grapes up to approximately 500 kg.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 20 € / hour 100€ / day
25 € / hour 125€ / day
40 € / hour 200€ / day
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Winemaking Plant.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
RESS-250, Thar Technologies
- Description: Equipment for the formation of microparticles and microcapsules of compounds soluble in supercritical carbon dioxide. Equipment for foaming polymers.
- Responsible: Clara Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Obtaining micro and nanoparticles, with controlled size, size distribution and morphology, of apolar active principles, soluble in carbon dioxide.
Generation of encapsulated, or composites, of these nanoparticles in biocompatible polymers, using the same technology.
Generation of foaming in polymers using supercritical CO2.
Generation of foaming+impregnation using supercritical CO2. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 80 € / day 100 € / day 160 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SAS 200, Thar Technologies
- Description: Equipment for the formation of micro and nanoparticles and microcapsules of compounds insoluble in supercritical carbon dioxide.
- Responsible: Clara Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Obtaining micro and nanoparticles, with controlled size, size distribution and morphology, of apolar active principles, soluble in carbon dioxide.
Generation of encapsulated, or composites, of these nanoparticles in biocompatible polymers, using the same technology. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SAS, Iberfluids Instruments
- Description: Equipment for the generation and encapsulation of nanoparticles using the SAS technique.
- Responsible: Clara Mª Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Obtaining micro and nanoparticles, with controlled size, size distribution and morphology, of apolar active principles, soluble in carbon dioxide.
Generation of encapsulated, or composites, of these nanoparticles in biocompatible polymers, using the same technology. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SSI, Iberfluids Instruments
- Description: Equipment for impregnation of porous matrices using supercritical fluids.
- Responsible: Clara Mª Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: impregnation of polymers. Generation of foaming+impregnation.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SBSE-GC-MS Agilent 6890
- Description: Gas chromatograph coupled to mass detection with SBSE sample extraction system.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 13.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Analysis of volatiles in food samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 25€ / sample 37,5 € / sample or analysis 50 € / sample or analysis - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SBSE-GC-MS Agilent 7890A
- Description: Gas chromatograph coupled to mass detection with SBSE sample extraction system.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 13.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Analysis of volatiles in food samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 25 € / sample 37,5 € / sample or analysis 50 € / sample or analysis - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Approved tasting room
- Description: 30 positions for tastings.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: 1st floor Lab. Tastings.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Tastings of all types of food.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 100 € / session 150 € / session 200 € / session - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Glass Greenhouse Service
- Description: The greenhouse consists of four rooms (1-4) of 30 m2 area and a handling room of 25 m2. Each of the rooms has different characteristics:
– Rooms 1 and 2 are for standard use.
– Room 3 is equipped with a water descaling system and a reverse osmosis system in order to mimic growth conditions in soils poor in salts.
– Room 4 is equipped with a higher level of confinement adaptable to a level 1 of security, indicated for transgenics and some pathogens. All rooms have air conditioning, adjustable photoperiod lighting (Na lamps of 400W) allowing in their case to work with supplementary lighting, measurement boxes with climatic sensors, zenith ventilation with anti-insect mesh (except for room 4 which is airtight) and climate control system. Room 4 also has an absolute HEPA filter.
Each room has three tables of 3 m2, except for room four, which has 2 tables of 3 m2 and 1 of 1.5 m2.
Each room has a sulfur sublimator, it is used to control all kinds of diseases caused by fungi such as powdery mildew or botrytis.
For the control and management of the systems described above, the greenhouse has an automation system (Clima 500 from Hortimax), which independently controls each room.
The Responsible staff of the greenhouse will be the technical staff who provide their services at the IVAGRO. The technical direction of the greenhouse will fall on the Director of the IVAGRO. - Contact::
- Responsible: IVAGRO.
- Location: Puerto Real University Campus.
- Uses: Research.
- Rates:- Rate A1 and B1. Researcher from UCA belonging to CAIV and/or CeiA3 charged to competitive projects approved by the Research Commission.
– Rate A2 and B2. Researcher from UCA belonging to CAIV and/or CeiA3 charged to Contracts with the Exterior (art. 83), Chairs, etc.
– Rate A3 and B3. Researchers not belonging to the previous groups from UCA or another public research organization.
– Rate A4 and B4. For public or private companies. The price for standard configuration initially per table and per month and then per complete room and per month is described below:Glass Greenhouse Service
- Description: The greenhouse consists of four rooms (1-4) of 30 m2 area and a handling room of 25 m2. Each of the rooms has different characteristics:
– Rooms 1 and 2 are for standard use.
– Room 3 is equipped with a water descaling system and a reverse osmosis system in order to mimic growth conditions in soils poor in salts.
– Room 4 is equipped with a higher level of confinement adaptable to a level 1 of security, indicated for transgenics and some pathogens. All rooms have air conditioning, adjustable photoperiod lighting (Na lamps of 400W) allowing in their case to work with supplementary lighting, measurement boxes with climatic sensors, zenith ventilation with anti-insect mesh (except for room 4 which is airtight) and climate control system. Room 4 also has an absolute HEPA filter.
Each room has three tables of 3 m2, except for room four, which has 2 tables of 3 m2 and 1 of 1.5 m2.
Each room has a sulfur sublimator, it is used to control all kinds of diseases caused by fungi such as powdery mildew or botrytis.
For the control and management of the systems described above, the greenhouse has an automation system (Clima 500 from Hortimax), which independently controls each room.
The Responsible staff of the greenhouse will be the technical staff who provide their services at the IVAGRO. The technical direction of the greenhouse will fall on the Director of the IVAGRO. - Contact::
- Responsible: IVAGRO.
- Location: Puerto Real University Campus.
- Uses: Research.
- Rates:- Rate A1 and B1. Researcher from UCA belonging to CAIV and/or CeiA3 charged to competitive projects approved by the Research Commission.
– Rate A2 and B2. Researcher from UCA belonging to CAIV and/or CeiA3 charged to Contracts with the Exterior (art. 83), Chairs, etc.
– Rate A3 and B3. Researchers not belonging to the previous groups from UCA or another public research organization.
– Rate A4 and B4. For public or private companies. The price for standard configuration initially per table and per month and then per complete room and per month is described below:
Rate A (per table and month) Time of ½ month 1 month 3 months > 3 months (from the 3rd month) Rate B (per room and month) Time of ½ month 1 month 3 months > 3 months (from the 3rd month) Rate A1 100€ 175€ 425€ 125€ Rate A2 125€ 225€ 500€ 150€ Rate A3 175€ 325€ 700€ 200€ Rate A4 350€ 680€ 1250€ 350€ - Description: The greenhouse consists of four rooms (1-4) of 30 m2 area and a handling room of 25 m2. Each of the rooms has different characteristics:
- Payment method and conditions:
The payment for the facilities will be made according to the contracted work period. As a guide for usage times of one month or less, the service will be paid within no less than 15 days after use. For usage times longer than one month, payment can be made monthly in the first fortnight of the following month, or for complete usage periods. In the latter case, payment will be made in advance. However, in any case, the payment method will be agreed with the service management and will be included in the application document Annex 2 signed by the applicant.
- Accompanying documentation:
– Annex 1. Request for reservation of space in the greenhouse service (UCA).
– Annex 2. Service request and acceptance of charge
Automated system for fiber determination Fibertec 8000, by Foss.
Complete: Cold extraction unit Fibertec 1021
- Description: Performs boiling, preheating of external reagents, rinsing and filtration, under controlled and reproducible conditions. The cold extraction unit Fibertec 1021 is applied in degreasing and extraction at room temperature (determination of lignin and dehydration in fiber residues).
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber NDF, acid detergent fiber ADF, and acid detergent lignin ADL.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 20 € / session 25 € / session 40 € / session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Food Analyzers Unit.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SPM-20, Thar Technologies
- Description: Determination of the solubility of solid solutes in supercritical fluids.
- Responsible: Clara María Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of the solubility of solid solutes in supercritical fluids.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 70 € / day 87,5 € / day 140 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
SprayDryer Buchi B290
- Description: Dryer and lyophilizer.
- Responsible: Blas del Valle.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Drying of liquid and semi-liquid samples.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 5 € / hour 6,25 € / hour 10 € / hour - Observations:
The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Sieve Shaker Retsch AS200
- Description: Automatic sieve shaker.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Self-supporting 2. Pilot plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Granulometry study and separation of solids using sieves.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 6 € per sample 12€ / hour
9 € per sample 18€ / hour
12 € per sample 24€ / hour
- Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Texture Analyzer mod. TA1, by Lloyd Ametek
- Description: Analyzer of texture parameters through compression, shear, extrusion, puncture, etc. tests.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 10.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: It allows obtaining instrumental measures that are related to sensory properties related to the texture of food, such as: crispness, fracturability, hardness, chewiness, adhesiveness, firmness, etc.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € per session 12,5 € per session 20 € per session - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Food Analyzers Unit.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Thermo Nicolet Avatar 370 DTGS FT/IR
- Description: FT-IR equipment for the determination of parameters of interest in liquid samples.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Mezzanine Laboratory.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields:
Determination of parameters of interest in liquid samples (wines, vinegars, brandies, juices).Capacity 2,000L/day.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 3 € per sample 4,5 € per sample 6 € per sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Control laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
UPC2 Waters Acquity
- Description: UPC2 (UltraPerformance Convergence Chromatography) equipment equipped with PDA.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 9.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of components through convergence chromatography.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € per sample 15€ per sample 20 € per sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
UPLC Waters Acquity
- Description: UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) equipment equipped with PDA.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 14.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of components through liquid chromatography.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € per sample 15 € per sample 20 € per sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
UPLC Waters Acquity H-Class
- Description: UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) equipment equipped with PDA eλ and FLR.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Laboratory 14.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Determination of components through liquid chromatography.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 10 € per sample 15 € per sample 20 € per sample - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Chromatography laboratory.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Ultratecno ACM200
- Description: Ultrasound system on a 100 L vat.
- Responsible: Miguel Palma Lovillo.
- Location: Pilot Plant.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Application of ultrasound to large volumes (up to 100 L) for waste treatment, cleaning or solubilization of components.
- Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 50 € / day 62,5 € / day 100 € / day - Observations:
This equipment is integrated into the Waste Management Plant (GERESVAGRO).The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.
Zetasizer Nano
- Description: Particle characterization system by laser diffraction.
- Responsible: Clara María Pereyra López.
- Location: Supercritical Fluids Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences.
- Services currently offered and possible applications in other fields: Measurement of Particle Size Distribution
and Z Potential. - Proposed usage rates according to regulations (in euros):
Rate A Rate B Rate C 20 € / day 25 € / day 40 € / day - Observations:
Service: HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSES PLANT B.The cost for IVAGRO member users will have a 25% reduction.