The lines of research are:
- New technologies in viticulture.
- Feasibility and quality of soils.
- Wine microbiology.
- Biotechnology in fermentative processes.
- Technological processes
- Improvement of wine products.
- Acetic fermentation.
- Study of distilled products of vinous origin.
- Studies of quality indicators in processes.
- Characterization and quality of wine products.
- Development of new wine products.
- Recovery of by-products and waste.
- Historical, cultural, economic and legal studies of wine products.
- Chemical and integrated control of phytopathogenic fungi.
The main objective of the creation of the Institute is to promote research into excellence in vitiviniculture and agri-food, favoring the development and execution of the priority lines defined in the PAIDI, in the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research, in the improvement plans of the Campus of International Excellence Agroalimentario CeiA3 and the Strategic Plan of the University of Cádiz.
The research will have a clear orientation towards the productive sector, favoring the transfer of results, as well as the dissemination of results to society.
On the other hand, collaboration in vitiviniculture and agri-food training will be promoted in specialized postgraduate and doctoral studies.
This Institute will be the benchmark for wine and agri-food activities of the University of Cádiz, serving as a link in the exchange of knowledge and technologies with other regional, national and international research centers.
In order to achieve these general objectives, a series of activities will be carried out, all of them non-profit.
The activities to be developed by IVAGRO are:
a) Realization of R + D + i projects in viticulture and agri-food, within the regional, state and international strategic interest lines.
b) Resolution of socio-economic problems in the wine and agri-food sector.
c) Technological transfer to the wine and agri-food production sector.
d) Technological advice to companies in both sectors.
e) Collaborate in the training of research personnel, their own technical staff and technical staff of companies.
f) Creation of spin-off companies, technology-based (EBT) and humanistic (EBH).
g) Mobility of personnel with companies and public or private centers.
h) Collaborate with other Centers, Technological Parks and institutions related to viticulture and agri-food.
i) Coordinate the infrastructure and spaces linked to the Institute.
j) Offer the provision of services, through the provision of the infrastructure of the Institute, to the integrating researchers and to the rest of the scientific community in general, as well as to the companies and institutions of the wine and agri-food sector.
k) Promote the internationalization of all the activities of the Institute, as well as the integration in international networks.
l) Promote the dissemination of the activities carried out in the Institute to society.
m) Collaborate in the delivery of postgraduate and doctoral studies.
n) Any other activity that could contribute to scientific, technical, cultural and socioeconomic development through knowledge.
The specific objectives of the Institute are mainly the development of the following lines of research:
a) New technologies and trials in viticulture and agriculture in general.
b) Application of new technologies to feasibility studies and soil quality.
c) Microbiology in vitiviniculture and agrifood.
d) Biotechnology in wine and agri-food processes.
e) Application of pest detection systems in viticulture and agriculture.
f) Development of new technological processes and new wine and agri-food products.
g) Treatments and valuation of vitivinicultural and agri-food waste.
h) Reuse and use of remains, waste and by-products of wine and agrifood.
i) Studies of new phytosanitary products and other alternatives in viticulture and agro-food.
j) Food quality and safety.
k) Characterization of products and quality in wine and agri-food processes.
l) Studies in nutrition and health and obtaining new foods with added values.
m) Studies in gastronomy and new culinary processes.
n) Historical, socioeconomic and legal studies in viticulture and agrifood.
ñ) Other studies related to vitiviniculture and agrifood.