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Instituto de Investigación Vitivinícola y Agroalimentaria IVAGRO

The UCA promotes research in agri-food to 145 high school and vocational training students in the province

The UCA promotes research in agri-food to 145 high school and vocational training students in the province
The project, which will run from September 2021 to May 2022, is part of the Science and Knowledge Dissemination Plan of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I)

The University of Cadiz is promoting research in agri-food to students of the Baccalaureate and Vocational Training (FP). Twenty activities have been carried out between September 2021 and May 2022 within the Plan for the Dissemination of Science and Knowledge of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the UCA. A total of 145 students from IES Cornelio Balbo in Cádiz, Santo Domingo in El Puerto de Santa María, Paterna in Paterna de Rivera, Pedrera Blanca (Chiclana) and Vega del Guadalete (La Barca de la Florida, Jerez) have been able to visit the facilities of the University Institute of Agri-Food Research (IVAGRO), both in Jerez and Puerto Real, where they have analysed chemical compounds, food, liquids, prepared biscuits or tasted numerous foods …

More than 25 researchers and technicians from History, Food Technology, Microbiology y Analytical Chemistryhave taken part in this initiative, which aims to promote visits by secondary and vocational training schools to the University’s research centres, update informative material and adapt it after the pandemic, develop new scientific communication activities and promote them among its scientific community, internationalise its work with different languages and work on the interdisciplinary nature of research from different areas of knowledge.The project, according to its promoters, has been very well received; its participants have been directly involved in research activities in the area of agri-food heritage and in the development of new foods.

As an additional part of the visits, the students who have visited the IVAGRO have developed short videos, which show the activities carried out and which will be used by the UCA to promote this initiative, in particular, and agri-food research, in general.

This activity is financed through the programme for the Promotion and Promotion of Research and Transfer of the University of Cadiz: ‘Aid for the Dissemination of Science and Knowledge – UCC+i’, included in the Research and Transfer Plan 2021 and implemented by the Vice-Rectorate for Science and Technology Policy of the University of Cadiz.


Activities carried out during the visits


Photos during the visits